PARC TOPSpecial Symposium on Marine Biodiversity and Sustainable Fisheries, foreseeing COP 10.

Special Symposium on Marine Biodiversity and Sustainable Fisheries, foreseeing COP 10.

No Fish on Our Table?
 Reconsider Marine Production,
      Distribution, and Consumption

Special Lecture by ISABELLA LOVIN, Author of “Silent Seas”, Green Party Member, European Parliament

Date and Time: July 3, 2010 (Saturday) 13:00-17:30

Venue: South Building B4 Floor Distance Learning Room, Mita Campus, Keio University 地図はこちら

Fee: Free (Registration Required)

Language: English / Japanese (No English translation while Japanese speakers are speaking)

Registration: Send an email to with 1. Name 2. Affiliation 3. Contact information (e-mail address or phone number) by July 2nd. Due to the capacity of the room the participants are restricted to 200 people.

Co-organized by:EU Studies Institute in Tokyo (EUSI), Sustainable Sweden Association, Greenpeace Japan, Pacific Asia Resource Center (PARC)

Sponsored by:Patagonia Japan

Cooperated by:Global Environmental Forum



Lecturer’s Profile


Fish, shellfish, and seaweeds have played an important role in our diet. However, the depletion of marine resources is a serious concern around the world. Sustainable fishery is needed for this reason, as well as for purposes of biodiversity conservation and food security.

The UN Food and Agriculture Organization projects that in the year 2015, the world's supply of fishery products will fall short of demand by 11 million tons. This decrease in the fish catch has the potential to lead to enormous price increases, such that no one will be able to afford fish. The blow will be particularly hard on poor communities.

We are very pleased to have this symposium with Isabella Lovin, the author of “Silent Seas ? Chasing the last food fish” and a Green Party member of the European Parliament to discuss what we can do to conserve the marine biodiversity with a perspective of sustainable fisheries, about 100 days before the COP10, Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity.

  The speakers will explain the critical situation of marine biodiversity, and analyze the structure behind this issue. Concrete examples of the effort made by fishermen to manage their coastal resources or to conserve the coastal environment will also be introduced. We will highlight not only the issues of fisheries, but also the way marine products are distributed and consumed. As we find mass and uniform distribution and consumption is one of the main reasons leading to depletion of the marine resources.

  Through this symposium we are aiming to seek the way to produce and to consume marine products in a sustainable manner.


12:30 Registration

13:00 Opening Remarks
     Prof. Toshiro Tanaka, Director of EUSI and Faculty of Law, Keio University

13:05 “Acute depletion of marine resources ~ from the case of EU”
     Speaker: Isabella Lovin (consecutive interpretation English- Japanese)

14:05 “Sutate of Current Japanese Marine Resources and Fishing Policies”
     Speaker: Toshio Katsukawa (Mie University)

14:20 “Tuna for sale”
     DVD by Pacific Asia Resource Center

14:55 “Distribution of Marine Products -What Is the Problem?”
     Speaker: Wakao Hanaoka (Greenpeace Japan)

15:25 “Sustainable Fisheries; Japanese Experience”
     DVD by Pacific Asia Resource Center

16:00 “Necessity of protecting the Marine Environment from a Fisher's view”
     Speaker: Kazutoshi Ohno (Funabashi City Fishery cooperative)

16:15 Panel Discussion
    “Seeking the Sustainable Manner on Marine Production, Distribution, and Consumption”
     Moderator: Tetsuji Ida (Kyodo News)

17:15 Closing Remarks

Lecturer’s Profile

Isabella Lovin, Member of the European Parliament, representing the Swedish Green Party
Born in 1963 and lives in Stockholm. Her 2007 book “Silent Sea (Tyst hav)” revealed the depletion of marine resources caused by excessive fishing. She won the “The Swedish Journalism Award” and “Environmental Journalist of the Year” in 2007. She was elected to the European Parliament on June, 2009. In November 2009 her book was translated into Japanese.
