PARC's Activities

1) Action-oriented research

PARC organizes a wide range of citizen's study groups on issues of globalization and international social and economic justice. We have researched issues on Official Development Assistance (ODA), the IMF and World Bank, and the effects of Globalization in the Asia-Pacific region. Recently PARC launches the research on "100 Yen shop and Globalization".

2) Advocacy activities

Though based in Japan, PARC makes a linkage with NGOs around the world. Based on this network, we have advocated and proposed alternative plans, information, and recommendation to Japanese government, UN institutions, IMF/World Bank and so on regarding ODA, Debt issue, Social Development, Trade and Investment, and other related issues. PARC successfully initiated Jubilee2000 campaign (world-wide campaign for debt cancellation) in Japan.

3) PARC Freedom School

Since 1982, our school in Tokyo has been offering alternative educational opportunity to encourage queries into Japanese society and its relationship with Asia, especially focusing on North-South issues. Every year about 400 people from various generations and backgrounds are studying at our school. The idea of Freedom School is spreading all over Japan. There are now schools in Sapporo, Tokyo, Kyoto, and Fukuoka.

4) Japanese Publications

"Alter" (Japanese name for Alternatives), a monthly magazine that provides alternative information on international social justice movements all over the world. Also, PARC publish Booklet on social justice issues such as globalization, gender, development, war and so forth.

5) Audio Visual

PARC publishes educational videos to be used in schools and colleges. Most videos are in Japanese, but some are available in English; "Sustainable fisheries - the Japanese Experience", "Finding Connections - Sea, Forests and Our Lives"

6) English Magazine "AMPO"

"AMPO" is short in Japanese for the Japan-U.S. Security Treaty. "AMPO: Japan-Asia Quarterly Review," was first issued in 1969, and carried reports, analyses and interviews on political, economic, social, cultural and civil society movement-based topics. In 2001, "AMPO" was transformed into a web magazine. Its writers include a range of Japanese scholars and activists, as well as representatives from movements throughout the Asia-Pacific region and the rest of the world.
For a list of back issues, please click here


Toyo Building 3F, 1-7-11, Kanda Awaji-cho, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan 101-0063
TEL +81-3-5209-3455 FAX +81-3-5209-3453