タイトル:Objection from Japan against the issued approval on the expansion of Olympic Dam mine
Dear Mr. Hon Jay Weatherill, Premier of South Australia,
Dear Mr. Tony Burke, Minister for Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities,
I would like to convey my strongest objection from Japan against the issued approval on the expansion of Olympic Dam mine in South Australia.
Knowing TEPCO is one of the main client of this mine, I feel very much responsible to stop this expansion, because we might use the uranium that comes from this mine to generate our electricity in the future.
I hold that the risks to human health, safety, the environment and future generations are too great. The mine will add to the already massive radioactive and toxic tailings and waste, inject acid and toxic chemicals into the water table thereby risking the water supply and endangering the mound springs held sacred by the local Arabunna and Barngala peoples. The destination of the uranium mined is in no way assured. I cannot guarantee that Australian uranium will not end up in nuclear weapons.
Indeed the only guarantee I can have is that this mine and it's products will generate intractable, dangerous radioactive waste which there is no safe method of storage.
The small profit to be made by a private corporation by mining this uranium does not outweigh the risk to the public good.
I'm afraid this expansion has been approved in the ignorance of the rights and will of local aboriginal people.
Also I'm afraid this expansion will harm the health of people in Australia.
I don't want any people of yours to suffer for our electricity.
Please, leave the uranium under ground.
Please, revoke the approval on this expansion, as the world have enough harm already, caused by radiation.
タイトル:Submission from Japan on proposed expansion of the Olympic Dam mine
Dear BHP Billiton representative,
I would like to convey my strongest objection from Japan on the expansion of Olympic Dam mine in South Australia.
Knowing TEPCO is one of the main client of this mine, I feel very much responsible to stop this expansion, because we might use the uranium that comes from your mine to generate our electricity in the future.
I hold that the risks to human health, safety, the environment and future generations are too great. The mine will add to the already massive radioactive and toxic tailings and waste, inject acid and toxic chemicals into the water table thereby risking the water supply and endangering the mound springs held sacred by the local Arabunna and Barngala peoples. The destination of the uranium mined is in no way assured. I cannot guarantee that Australian uranium will not end up in nuclear weapons.
Indeed the only guarantee I can have is that this mine and it's products will generate intractable, dangerous radioactive waste which there is no safe method of storage.
The small profit to be made by a private corporation by mining this uranium does not outweigh the risk to the public good.
I'm afraid this expansion has been approved in the ignorance of the rights and will of local aboriginal people.
Also I'm afraid this expansion will harm the health of people in Australia.
I don't want any people of yours to suffer for our electricity.
Please, leave the uranium under ground.
Please, reconsider about this expansion, as the world have enough harm already, caused by radiation.
I expect your company to be socially responsible, and look forward to receiving your reply.